Women & PowerEpub+Pdf

Women & Power

作者:Professor Mary Beard




出版社:Profile Books



Why the popular resonance of ‘mansplaining’ (despite the intense dislike of the term felt by many men)? It hits home for us because it points straight to what it feels like not to be taken seriously: a bit like when I get lectured on Roman history on Twitter.

Britain’s best-known classicist Mary Beard, is also a committed and vocal feminist. With wry wit, she revisits the gender agenda and shows how history has treated powerful women. Her examples range from the classical world to the modern day, from Medusa and Athena to Theresa May and Elizabeth Warren. Beard explores the cultural underpinnings of misogyny, considering the public voice of women, our cultural assumptions about women’s relationship with power, and how powerful women resist being packaged into a male template.

With personal reflections on her own experiences of the sexism and gendered aggression she has endured online, Mary asks: if women aren’t perceived to be within the structures of power, isn’t it power that we need to redefine?

From the author of international bestseller SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome.


1、Women & Power是作者Professor Mary Beard创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

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  • ichbinluz的评论

    很短的LRB Lecture讲稿整理。由她最拿手的古典学着手,追溯女性话语权利被压制的源头,Penelope意图劝回追求者时,Tlemachus对她说:妈妈,回去做你自己的事吧,在公开场合说话是男人的事,也即是我做主。女性被压制不可在公共场合言说,保持沉默才是”美德”。1尽管我们有了女政治家、女知识分子,但即便是elite如同她们,声音依旧会被忽视。2参考男女辩论后的社会反应(想起上次BBC对谈中所谓的JP打脸CN),即便双方都有问题,更多更难听的指责也都是针对女性的,甚至:声音难听。3作者认为应将power的范围扩大,不仅仅narrow于政治领袖或公司CEO。

  • Master Faust的评论


  • [已注销]的评论


  • kidultcc的评论


  • CeciQingCai的评论

    Xmas treat Sophie带着去牛津看了一场witch history exhibition 关于女性/女巫/文化/权利的根源 早就在这本小册子中被提及 那些史诗史籍里的桎梏在今日何尝不是每日在上演 前路漫漫

  • silkworm的评论

    “The culture stereotype is so strong that, at the level of those close-your-eyes fantasies, it is still hard for me to image me or someone like me, in my role.”这句话非常触动我。有个著名的论点,女性获得成功总是谦虚的表示得益于运气,而男性只有失败时才归咎于运气。我想有一部分原因可能就如这句话所说吧。

  • 躲猫猫社社长的评论

    如果我是导演想要现代地诠释Telemachus的行为,我会觉得是出于一种保护。我就一直觉得Penelope’s bizzare lack of voice下有更多的内容。

  • 堂本栞的评论


  • 凰蕼的评论


  • Loca的评论


  • (null)的评论


  • 远方の夏的评论


  • 为所欲为所欲为的评论


  • 泰伯利亚之日的评论

    B姨这个副标题写着a manifesto,但实际又是讲座整理的,从宣传来讲跟马派的那种差着好几个段位。从知识来讲,不足之处还是明显的。就拿第二篇里的美杜莎来说,以她的形象来装饰盾牌的古希腊步兵和把克林顿ps到卡拉瓦乔画上的欧美老中青年在心理上显然天差地别,这不是提一句弗洛伊德就够了的。想要“to change the structure”,必然要先认清现有结构,如此以来光靠时间带来的陌生化不能算是一种聪明的写作了。所以虽然B姨公知的名号越来越响,但真正见到灵感的,还是她做学问的那些东西。

  • 杨梅酒的评论


  • TriAngel的评论


  • jiani.s的评论

    Beard did a wonderful job to make Classics relevant to today’s social-political dynamics. Her references to the passages in Odyssey, Lucretia, and many others help me see the valences of the texts. Women’s voice are not so stifled nowadays, but women still receive more acerbic comments and quick negligence. Approval from men is innately a problem.

  • 珊珊的评论

    Wise and witty

  • ccangelacc的评论

    Insightful concise writing. The problems: 1. speaking in public defines masculinity as a gender; 2. assumed authority & profundity in men’s voice v.s. triviality in women’s voice; 3. internet trolls for women who challenged the structure that legitimates women’s exclusion4. women in power follow men’s template 5. normalisation of gendered violence

  • Kimberly.的评论

    “The point is,there is a real radical separation between women&power in Western history.”篇幅略短 站在古希腊历史的角度抛出了很多问题要是能再讲的深入一些就更好了