encyclopedia of Job-winning Resumes
作者:Fournier, Myra/ Spin
出版社:Career Pr Inc
“The most user-friendly resume resource avAIlable. Whatever your background, this book will help you write a winning resume” – Job Bank USA Encyclopedia of Job-Winning Resumes, Third Edition is the most helpful and comprehensive resume book you can buy. It includes more than 400 success-proven resume examples that will show you how to personalize your resume according to your own unique career situation. The 17 chapters contain resumes that cover all major industries, span every job level from entry-level to CEO, and are helpfully arranged by both job field and title to make it easy for you to quickly locate the resumes that address your particular field or situation. Whatever your age, industry, career, level of experience or education, you’ll find the resume template you need
1、Encyclopedia of Job-winning Resumes是作者Fournier, Myra/ Spin创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
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