Test Tube Women
作者:Rita Arditti,Renate
In 1984, new reproductive technologies were just beginning
to become part of the public discussion. In deciding to put
together Test-Tube Women we wanted to take a look at new
technologies such in-vitro fertilization, embryo flushing and
transfer. We also wanted to investigate technologies that
were not really that new, such as artificial insemination,
and further developments of contraceptives. Sex selection
and the use of amniocentesis in the so-called Third World
was a further area of concern to us. The scientists devel-
oping these technologies told us that women should be
grateful for their inventions and that they had been
developed because women wanted them. They also sAId the
technologies would open up new choices for motherhood and
they would help infertile women.
We were sceptical. Although we could not know at the
time what the specific developments would be, nor how
quickly the technologies would proliferate, affecting an
increasing number of women all over the world, neverthe-
less, two crucial pieces of information were already obvious.
The first was that a white medical and scientific establish-
ment is in control of the technologies and that there is
a long history of exploitation of women by these groups,
specifically in relation to reproduction. Women of color, poor
women, lesbians, disabled women, elderly and young
women have all been experimented on and used by the
technodocs in their human trials and applications of
contraceptives such as the Pill, Depo-Provera and IUDs, in
particular the Dalkon shield. With these new technologies
it seemed to be the turn of mainly white and middle-class
women to serve as experimental guinea pigs.
1、Test Tube Women是作者Rita Arditti,Renate 创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
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