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技术之外Epub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载凯特·克劳福德通过引入地图集的方式来讨论塑造人工智能的经济、政治、文化和历史力量,只有将人工智能与这些更广泛的结构和社会系统联系起来,才能够摆脱纯粹技术概念的人工智能。 人工智能

Scalable Internet ArchitecturesEpub+Pdf

Scalable Internet ArchitecturesEpub+Pdf

28天前 爱拼才能赢

Scalable Internet ArchitecturesEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · As a developer, you are aware of the increasing

F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning IIEpub+Pdf

F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning IIEpub+Pdf

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F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning IIEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · The inside story of the most expensiv

Pro JavaScript TechniquesEpub+Pdf

Pro JavaScript TechniquesEpub+Pdf

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Pro JavaScript TechniquesEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript b



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ART+COMEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · With its more than 20-year history, ART+COM continues to play a central

The Art of Interactive DesignEpub+Pdf

The Art of Interactive DesignEpub+Pdf

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The Art of Interactive DesignEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · An understanding of what makes things interactive

The Early FoucaultEpub+Pdf

The Early FoucaultEpub+Pdf

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The Early FoucaultEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · It was not until 1961 that Foucault published his first major

Recurrent Neural Networks for PredictionEpub+Pdf

Recurrent Neural Networks for PredictionEpub+Pdf

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Recurrent Neural Networks for PredictionEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · New technologies in engineering, physic

Appeasing HitlerEpub+Pdf

Appeasing HitlerEpub+Pdf

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Appeasing HitlerEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · On a wet afternoon in September 1938, Neville Chamberlain stepp

The Emperor of All MaladiesEpub+Pdf

The Emperor of All MaladiesEpub+Pdf

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The Emperor of All MaladiesEpub+Pdf百度网盘+夸克网盘下载 内容简介· · · · · · Starred Review. Mukherjees debut book is a sweeping